Airport to Georgetown, taxi or bus? - Penang Forum - TripAdvisor【新唐人2014年5月7日訊】在樂壇,曾經出現了不少靈異現象,諸多大腕包括劉德華、舒淇、曾志偉等對超能力和鬼神之說也不敢不信。2013年辭世的泰國白龍王在生前曾成功預言了謝霆鋒的車禍和張國榮的自殺。下面來曝光下音樂界讓人匪夷所思的10首靈異歌曲。 第一首:飛鷹三妹《愛是甜的》 早年新地唱片曾出過一張taking taxi will take you to hotel front. though Time Square is along the bus route, you may need to walk across the heavy traffic. if you have more than 1 luggage, you may have problems. Get the taxi at the airport, the rate is fixed....