Amazon.com : Pentax K-r 12.4 MP Digital SLR Camera with 3-Inch LCD (Black Body) : Pentax K X : Camer 前女友真的蠻沒有水準的,不經當事人同意就亂動東西還變賣,有夠惡劣! 恭喜原po遇到一個跟你愛好相同的女孩 ------------------------------------------Dcard原文:千萬不要跟閃光分享你的興趣各位男生們,如果你認為交到一個女朋友,就要跟她分享一切的話,述我直Brains, meet beauty. The Pentax K-r has it all. On the brain side, it's a powerful DSLR with advanced features like 12.4 Megapixels, HD video, a 2.7-inch LCD display and custom modes and functions. On the beauty side, taking photos has never looked this g...