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per se Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary 純正日系腕錶品牌CITIZEN一直以來,鼓勵所有男性持續突破自我,追求更好的未來。今(16日)於台北遠東SOGO忠孝館首次揭幕為全台男性所創建的快閃店《CITIZEN品味時光屋》,並邀請到代言人藍正龍與吳慷仁聯袂出席,兩位代言人除了在演藝作品上不斷突破,也以獨到品味與時尚眼光,在台灣成為教父級的時per se meaning, definition, what is per se: by or of itself: . Learn more. ... president (the title given to) the person who has the highest political position in a country that is a republic and who, in some of these countries, is the leader of the gover...