perf profiling

2. OProfile perf_events profiling mode - OProfile - A System Profiler for Linux (News)   話說, 對於每個上班族而言,距離太遠,地鐵太擠,堵車太糟心基本都是每日必吐槽的話題。 可今天要說的這個哥們儿有點特別,雖然他也每天都要面對這些煩心事, 但他不僅不煩,還覺得很赤雞呢….-。- 哥們儿名叫Curt von Badinski,來自美國。 他是一位機械工程師,OProfile has the ability to profile a single process or every currently running process (i.e., system-wide) via the operf program. operf interfaces with the kernel to collect samples via the Linux Kernel Performance Events Subsystem (hereafter referred to...


Linux perf Examples - Brendan Gregg's Homepage  遍布街頭的ATM機,我們已經見怪不怪…… 插卡,輸密碼,吐錢,這套流程大家也都熟悉…… 不過,如果你輸完密碼,ATM機里吐出一張紙條: 「救命啊啊啊啊啊啊啊…」 你…會是什麼感受?   美國德These are some examples of using the perf Linux profiler, which has also been called Performance Counters for Linux (PCL), Linux perf events (LPE), or perf_events. Like Vince Weaver, I'll call it perf_events so that you can search on that term later. Sear...


Linux Profiling tools and techniques - Pádraig Brady註:請以科學的眼光來看待這則新聞   據《每日郵報》報道,一個成人視頻直播網站最近推出了名為「Dick-ometrics」的功能,可以讓用戶拍攝他們自己的丁丁,並以此作為認證方式,登錄帳號,不需要再使用密碼     這種方式聽起來很猥瑣,但其實也是生物識別技術的一種應用A summary of Linux profiling/monitoring tools ... benchmarking that is often more effective, as it gives you more fine grained measurements for the components of the system you're measuring, thus minimising external influences from consideration....


Frequently Asked Questions - Cairo我們知道,髮型對於人的整體形象是非常重要的。一個有特色的髮型,能讓別人對你印象深刻,從而贏得更多機會!   所以下面的內容要認真看了:   即便已經謝頂,這種髮型依然會令你獨一無二,搭配鬍子效果更佳。如果做成條形碼或二維碼形狀,還可以打廣告創收     這個髮This is a list of answers to questions that are frequently asked by new users to cairo. Getting Started What would a minimal C program look like using cairo? What compilation flags are required to compile that code? Drawing Questions How do I clear a surf...


Java Performance Tuning, Profiling, and Memory Management | Performance | DZone下面這個小男孩叫Evan Sharma,今年13歲,來自加拿大Kingston。   Evan的爸爸是一名眼科醫生,從小就帶他去了不少地方... 去阿拉斯加釣魚,去瑞士滑雪…   這些地方Evan都很喜歡,但是真正改變他的,是他10歲時爸爸帶他去的地方—Java application performance is an abstract word until you face its real implications. It may vary depending on your interpretation of the word 'performance'.... ... Sun improved memory management in the Java 2 VMs by switching to a generational garbage c...


Velocity 2015 linux perf tools - Upload, Share, and Discover Content on SlideShare ▲這名男子同一天向不同女子求婚。(source:dailymail,下同)   大家好,我是小白兔~ 古代的時候,很多男人都會娶三妻四妾,這是一個正常的事。然而到了現代,男人三妻四妾這種現象已不再被允許,一夫一妻制才是正常的倫理道德。 然而根據dailymail報導,美國印第安那州有一位Tutorial slides for O'Reilly Velocity SC 2015, by Brendan Gregg. There are many performance tools nowadays for Linux, but how do they all fit together, and whe… Tutorial slides for O'Reilly Velocity SC 2015, by Brendan Gregg. There are many performance to...
