Perl Hash Tutorial - ZenTut - Programming Made Easy一對夫婦每週都去教堂,但丈夫每次都在聽佈道的時候睡著。妻子覺得很丟臉,就想了一個辦法。下次再去的時候,她悄悄的帶了一根針,決定一旦丈夫睡著就用針紮醒他。牧師像往常一樣開始佈道了,當他講到:『是誰創造了世界呢?』從聽眾中突然冒出一個男人的叫聲:『上帝啊!』牧師沒有理會,心想這個傢伙真的以為大家都不知道This tutorial introduces you to Perl hash and shows you how to manipulate Perl hash elements effectively. ... Introduction to Perl hash A Perl hash is defined by key-value pairs. Perl stores elements of a hash in such an optimal way that you can look up i...