perl pop string

Manipulating Perl arrays: shift, unshift, push, pop藏得天衣無縫啊!!! push(ARRAY, LIST) - extending the ARRAY with the content of LIST; LAST = pop(ARRAY) - fetching the last element; FIRST = shift(ARRAY); unshift(ARRAY, LIST) ... As well as allowing direct access to individual array elements, Perl also provides various othe...


Perl split - to cut up a string into pieces五臟俱全..?? perl split(/PATTERN/, EXPR, LIMIT) splits the expression into a list of strings every place where the pattern matches. ... Author: Gabor Szabo Gabor provides training and development services. He loves to help people improve their way of programming. He l...


regex - How do I perform a Perl substitution on a string while keeping the original? - Stack Overflo曬衣俠!? In Perl, what is a good way to perform a replacement on a string using a regular expression and store the value in a different variable, without changing the original? I usually just ......
