permanent fatal errors 550

請問一下我這英文郵件是什麼意思? - Yahoo!奇摩知識+【女生都有的困擾】夏天穿裙子真是一件涼快的事情……   The original message was received at Fri, 24 Jul 2009 10:50:59 +0800from localhost.localdomain [] ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors ----- (reason: 550 Spam suspect,Your are not Hotmail ......


Rex 's Experience | 各類退信整理分析 大家應該都聽過大名鼎鼎的線上遊戲魔獸世界(WarCraft)吧,魔獸世界紅到已經拍成電影準備要在明年上映,而且還不只如此,更有加拿大教師Shawn Young推出魔獸教室(ClassCraft),要讓課堂學習變成像遊戲般有趣,他的想法很簡單:既然學生們都熱衷於打魔獸,那把上課設計成如同一款RPG遊----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors ----- [email][/email] ... Diagnostic-Code: X-Postfix; host[] said: 550 5.1.1 User unknown; rejecting (in reply to RCPT TO command) 對方的服務器的退信是 在 ......


The following addresses had permanent fatal errors Microsoft Outlook Help - 可別以為河馬都不用刷牙的,在日本的動物園,河馬每年要整理一次牙齒。就像一年一度的盛宴一般,這超長牙刷每年出動時都會吸引大批人群駐足,而這次日本小學生的校外教學也藉此機會教育一番,讓學童們觀賞難得一見的畫面。 os:「好恐怖!!」 (Picture: Buddhika Weerasinghe/Get----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors ----- (reason: 550 Host unknown)----- Transcript of session follows ----- 550 5.1.2 ... Host unknown (Name server: kgc.local: host not found) I make sure to select the correct acct that I want the m...


退信整理 @ 防呆筆記本 :: 隨意窩 Xuite日誌 這年頭時機歹歹....最好能省則省,如果有東西壞了就希望能夠靠自己修補或是用廢棄物DIY,有時省過頭常常也會演變成省小錢花大錢的狀態,當然如果想成為省錢達人絕對要學會改造,也要會利用某些物品可以拿來發揮其他功能的時機,說不定這樣的巧思也能幫你省下一筆不必要的開銷呢! 下大雪沒錢買雪帽~就直接用厚紙各類退信整理分析各類退信整理分析1、The original message was received at Wed, 09 May 2007 23:52:01 +0800> ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----> >%3B >%3B [email][/email]> ----- Transcript of ......


----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors ----- (reason: 550 Denied by policy)? - Wha真是幽默的老婆~ 哈哈 Permanent fatal error 550 access denied How can i bypass a firewall of the victim? How to bypass firewall of the victim on pc? Ryeli Level 10 (Genius) 4525 Answers, 1 Friend, 74 Followers "If it still shows those errors then the only step would be..." 0 0...
