Seth's Blog: Permission Marketing 夏天男人不愛穿褲子的理由 夏天男人的著裝原則是能少穿就少穿,能不穿就不穿。 1. 褲子擋住了翹臀的美 據Smithsonian雜誌稱,人類的大腦認為圓形和曲線的造型非常美觀,如果生得一副翹臀,那褲子存在的意義就是擋住了美。 2. 褲子熱蛋神器 太緊的褲子會使蛋蛋過熱,降低精子活力,有Permission marketing is the privilege (not the right) of delivering anticipated, personal and relevant messages to people who actually want to get them. It recognizes the new power of the best consumers to ignore marketing. It realizes that treating peopl...