Yes, That's Just the Pet Lion in the Swimming Pool 一般人對於保險套的印象只停留在「辦事」上,沒想到這個原本只在「床上」扮演重要角色的物品,現在在時尚也有一席之地~不相信?來看看巴西藝術家創造的夢幻長禮服吧!(編輯乍看之下完全沒聯想到保險套,只覺得好美呀~) 藝術家阿德里亞娜從事一系列保險套創作,在墨爾本的國際愛滋病大會中推廣安全性行為的重要。 這This is what happens when a lion becomes part of the household. These pictures show Tippi Hedren — star of Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds — with her husband, Noel Marshall, and her daughter, actress Melanie Griffith, and their lion, Neil. Melanie is Tippi's...