Peter Sarsgaard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 一般體健男性,每月遺精1~2次屬正常現象,所謂精滿自溢,不屬病態。本病所論述的範圍是指精液不正常的頻繁遺洩,或夢遺,或不夢而遺,甚至清醒時亦滑漏,並伴有精神萎頓、腰酸腿軟、頭昏失眠等全身症狀。 遺精的發病原因有哪些 男性遺精到底是什麼原因造成的呢?下面進行具體的介紹: 1、精神因素:由於性的要求過John Peter Sarsgaard (/ˈsɑrzɡɑrd/; born March 7, 1971) is an American actor, best known for his role in the 2004 comedy-drama Garden State. He landed his first feature role in the movie Dead Man Walking in 1995. He then appeared in the 1998 independent fi...