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Happy Hacking Keyboard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia大家小時候應該會有一段時間喜歡拆東拆西的,很多物品玩具都很想要去看看裡面的構造,當然還是有人到現在都有一樣的興趣,切半在某一方面是滿足了人們的好奇心也同時滿足人類的求知慾呢XD 今天的主題就是來切半各種東西,看你用藝術的眼光還是好奇的眼光呢?說不定你看完後就會開始拿家裡的東西切切看~ 【本文出處,更The Happy Hacking Keyboard is a small computer keyboard produced by PFU Limited of Japan, co-developed with Japanese computer pioneer Eiiti Wada.[1] Its reduction of keys from the common 104 keys layout down to 60 keys in the professional series is the ba...


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