pH - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia惡作劇已經沒有新梗了嗎?讓保加利亞的網友教您如何突破!以下是會需要使用的道具 1. 照片編輯軟件 (小編推薦Photoshop) 2. 大罐子 (玻璃透明為佳) 3. 食用色素 (方便為罐子裡的水染色) 4. 影印機 (去輸出店輸出也可以,但記Pure water is neutral. When an acid is dissolved in water, the pH will be less than 7. When a base, or alkaline, is dissolved in water, the pH will be greater than 7. A solution of a strong acid, such as hydrochloric acid, at concentration 1 mol dm −3 has...