JUKSY穿搭教學:【三合一防水外套】戶外休閒穿搭示範 - 男生篇
Panic Hardware DORMA PHA 2000 PHB 3000 Exit Pad 冬天要到了,一件保暖、防水的機能性外套是男生衣櫃裡必備的一項單品。然而以往的機能性外套,總是強調 ”機能” 大過於 ”版型設計” ,讓人們在選購時不容易找到與日常生活好搭配的款式。這次JUKSY選擇了近期市面上能見度很高的一款【TIMBERLAND三合一防水外套】,由型男楊希謙來示範三種不同的穿搭DORMA Panic Hardware Contur design 2 PH, GB Das modulare DORMA Panic Hardware-System im Contur Design The Panic Hardware pro-ducts of the series DORMA PHA 2000 and PHB 3000 have been tested to and certified compliant with EN 1125. All ......