philippine entertainment portal

Philippine Entertainment Portal - The Number One Site for Philippine Showbiz網友jason620362在PTT  PO文【[問卦] 有沒有國中死對頭長大變巨乳的八卦?】:           今年聖誕,收到禮物的瞬間,有種五味雜陳的感覺.說起開心是一定的,想買新平板已經好久了,加上一直很想有台10吋平板可以畫畫.但Latest and trending entertainment news headlines, feature stories, photos and videos of popular Philippine and Hollywood actor, actress and celebrities. News and reviews on television shows and programs, movies and OPM music....


News | The Number One Site for Philippine Showbiz每個女生的手機或電腦內總有一個,臉想要多小有多小,眼睛要多大有多大,這樣的修圖神器。這使得許多人都常常質疑網拍模特兒外貌與身材的真實性,可這樣也算了 …. 最近流行一個完全不用修圖的網拍方法,真是叫人咋舌!     最近一張模特兒深V內衣照紅遍網路,引來網友們的熱議Current, trending and credible news reports and headlines on the biggest controversies, issues and events in the Philippine and Hollywood entertainment industry. ... Senator Grace Poe hits back at Vice President Binay's camp; can prove that she is qualifi...


Mukamo Philippines - News, Entertainment, Sports, Tech挪威監獄的舒適想必大家都應該知道,但是還有更華麗精緻的監獄-奧地利監獄。 奧地利政府2004年初花300多萬歐元所興建的的羅馬尼亞監獄。 奧地利政府讓犯人服刑期間參加勞動,除按工時支付超過台幣兩萬五千元基本工資外, 還定期提高工資待遇,政府還支付犯人服刑期的失業保險。 算一算可能不只台幣兩萬五千元唷Philippine News, Entertainment, Sports, Technology for Filipinos Worldwide. Join us now! ... Here is the complete list of winners of the 27th PMPC Star Awards for TV held at the AFP Theater in Quezon City and organized by the Philippine Movie Press Club:...


PEP: Philippine Entertainment Portal - Still The Most Popular Showbiz Website in the Philippines - BFrom:讌子 原作p站id=38548136   Despite experiencing a very slight drop in traffic during first three months of 2010 vs. numerous peaks in 2009, PEP: The Philippine Entertainment Portal remains to be the most popular* showbiz website in the Philippines based on Alexa traffic rankings. B...
