philips hr2094

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Philips HR2094 Aluminium Blender, 750 Watt, Chrome/Black: Kitchen & Home大家會想去看看嗎? The Philips HR2094 aluminium blender is designed to mix smoothies to perfection--any way you want them. Its tough, versatile 750 watt motor is the most powerful you can get. It will blend, crush and cut whatever you want, whenever you want. And it will do...


Philips Aluminium Blender HR2094 - Juice Master - Jason Vale: Juice Diet, Juicing, Fusion Juicer,philips blender hr2094 on ... Quick Overview The Philips blender with ProBlend 6 and 800W motor can handle just about anything - from fruits/vegetables to ice. Its multi-speed function will blend, crush and cut for perfectly smooth blendin...
