How to Play Songs on a Phone Keypad (10 Steps) | eHow文章取自微信公眾號:卡娃微卡(kawa01) 男人寵愛你時,你在他面前哪怕像個孩子一樣任性不懂事,他也不會對你表現出厭煩的情緒,更不會說你一句不好,反而覺得你也有孩童般可愛的一面。 可是,一旦男人不再喜歡你,你做什麼,他都看不順眼,打從心裡排斥你、厭惡你。從此,他看不慣你If you're looking for something to do to amuse yourself, try making phone keypad music. You can do this with a standard push-button phone or a cell phone. You can even play some simple songs by following a few tips. Best of all, in a growing market of cel...