Amazon.com: Photo Transfer App: Appstore for Android ▲男友求婚,女生卻慘痛拒絕甚至分手!(圖為示意圖,非本人,sourse :左 百度貼吧,右 sina) 男女關係走了長遠,不免俗面對「是否要結婚」這個議題,而且男女雙方的意見和看法可能會很分歧,甚至導致雙方不合分離。根據Dcard分享,有一位女網友近期被男友求婚,但是她的回應卻出乎眾人意Photo Transfer App allows you to easily transfer photos and videos from your Android device to your computer as well as exchange photos from and to another Android Device, iPhone or iPad using your wifi network. == TRANSFER PHOTOS FROM ANDROID TO ......