Fans Share | Celebrity Gossip, News, Pop, Music, Movies, TV 望著窗外的風景,心亂如麻。即使風景再美,也無心欣賞了。當雪糕在這炎熱的天氣中消融掉時,我清楚地聽到有個人在哭泣。我答應你,我會好好的。你也答應我,不會再留戀我們的這份情,因為你希望我幸福。 從相愛到陌路,其實就是一個轉身的距離。明知道愛過以後,會成為彼此的過客,誰都不是誰的誰。也許,你不Real fans share and promote. Fans Share gives you all the latest news and gossip about your favourite celebrity or performer in an easily digestible format. We have image uploads and movie searches along with a host of other premium services all for free!...