龐克教母也愛的黑暗柔美 Ann Demeulemeester 2014秋冬系列
Lomo Effect in Photoshop - Photoshoplayer.com – a gently increasing list of painless tutorials 不一定要外顯,龐克是種精神象徵,拆穿烏托邦的完美表面,支持不同,而Ann Demeulemeester向來都是箇中翹楚。去年秋天,Ann本人忽然宣告離開同名品牌,設計師出走後的第一季,設計團隊拋棄了既有的樣式與花紋,依然以黑色為主調,較基本的款式用Lomo Effect in Photoshop.In this Photoshop tutorial, we are going to produce the lomo Effect in Photoshop CS5. The lomo Effect is about adjusting the color ... Dark Knight Rises Stencil Effect In Photoshop Create a Adam and Eve scene PUMPKIN FACE IN ......