php 商數

AQ(Adversity Quotient)逆境智商 - 教育Wiki   新八...不對...辛巴啊啊啊啊!!!何謂AQ? 保羅.史托茲(Paul Stoltz)在1997年提出了「逆境商數」(AQ;Adversity Quotient)這個詞; 顧名思義,就像人的IQ有高有低,AQ也是一樣,有些人突破逆境、走出困局的能力,就是比較強。 描繪一個人的挫折忍受力,或是面對逆境時的處理能力。...


MQ (Moral Quotient) 道德智商 - 教育Wiki   變得像冰淇淋一樣了~重點是...可以裝得比平常多XD  MQ(Moral Quotient)道德智商達人:具有良好的品德,並有禮貌體貼、尊重寬恕、忠心誠實、負責合作等良好情操美德,且能實踐,有具體事實者。 何謂MQ? 道德智商是指一個人的德性水準或道德人格品質,指的是明辨是非對錯的能力,也就是個人擁有強烈 ......


Quotient - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 小心未知的去死團襲擊XDIn mathematics, a quotient (from Latin: quotiens "how many times", pronounced ˈkwoʊʃənt) is the result of division.[1] For example, when dividing 6 by 3, the quotient is 2, while 6 is called the dividend, and 3 the divisor. The quotient further is express...


Quotient rule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 好傳神啊~and , then the rule states that the derivative of is More precisely, if all x in some open set containing the number a satisfy , and and both exist, then exists as well and And this can be extended to calculate the second derivative as well (you can prove...


Intelligence Quotient (IQ) definition | Psychology Glossary | 水管書架Psychology definition for Intelligence Quotient (IQ) in normal everyday language, edited by psychologists, professors and leading students. Help us get better. ... Intelligence Quotient (IQ): + add to my flashcards This is a mathematical formula that is s...


電腦技能基金會 請記住華盛頓在講實話時,手上正握著斧頭...TQC認證介紹 TQC是Techficiency Quotient Certification的簡稱,乃本會依員工職務別所規劃之整合性認證。根據國內3,500家企業用人需求調查,每種職務人員均需具備幾種不同程度的電腦技能,諸如「TQC專業文書人員」需要中、英文輸入、文書處裡、電子 ......
