中年大叔其實比妳更怕愛錯人(別矜了篇) |文 御姊愛
PHP - Official Site (文/御姊愛《只是不想將就在一起》/寫樂文化) 我一向早起,那個清晨我剛烤著吐司,打算抹上巧克力榛果醬的時候,電話響了,一個中年大叔朋友打來的,「怎麼這麼早啊?」我問。 「我真的不知道該怎麼辦才好了,不然我不會打給妳。」他的聲音聽起來很焦躁。 「說來聽聽吧。」我一手繼續沖The PHP web team are delighted to announce the launch of the new web theme that has been in beta for many months. Lots of hard work has gone into this release and we will be continually improving things over time now that we have migrated away from the .....