PHP: header - Manual - PHP: Hypertext PreprocessorisCar! 某天小明與家人在台北聚餐後,想開車載著媽媽到淡水兜風。於行經淡水之淡金公路路段時,不幸撞到在路邊等待過斑馬路之大華,導致大華多處擦傷、小腿骨折,然小明之母親為了不讓兒子留下前科,所以向警察謊稱是她開的車而使警察製作相關筆錄。試問小明及其母親有何刑責?大華只能自認倒楣嗎? Q1:小明需擔Several times this one is asked on the net but an answer could not be found in the docs on php.net ... If you want to redirect an user and tell him he will be redirected, e. g. "You will be redirected in about 5 secs. If not, click here." you cannot use h...