PHP: chown - Manual - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor日本投票網站Goo就蒐集了許多網友的意見,統計出「10種會被拋棄的女生特質」,如果要讓感情長長久久,可就要盡量避免做出這些行為阿~第十名、時常抱怨或是說別人壞話第九名、沒事喜歡測試男朋友對你的愛第八名、沒事就問男生『工作跟我誰重要?』第七名、不會感謝男朋友為你所付出的一切第六名、要求男朋友一定要了解Notes Note: This function will not work on remote files as the file to be examined must be accessible via the server's filesystem. Note: When safe mode is enabled, PHP checks ... If you want to chown a symlink, PHP will follow the symlink and change the t...