php ci framework

CodeIgniter - Official Site一個小孩提著死青蛙往妓女戶跑~一到門口,老鴇就擋著門說:「小孩子不可以進來。」那個小孩就說:「我是來玩女人的耶...你怎麼可以拒絕我呀。」老鴇:「哇勒~我們不招待十歲以下的啦,快走。」小孩:「我剛好十歲呀,我不管,我就是要玩。」老鴇:「你十歲呀~那還可以考慮;不過我怕大姐姐們不給你玩耶。」(外加鄙視CodeIgniter Rocks CodeIgniter is a powerful PHP framework with a very small footprint, built for developers who need a simple and elegant toolkit to ... Clear documentation The CodeIgniter User Guide comes with the download. It contains an introduction, t...


CodeIgniter 是開放原始碼的framework 減少開發的時間。老王死了一個七十幾歲的老人, 有一天他不幸在醫院裏過世了, 可是奇怪的很,醫院裏的每一個護士都哭的死去活來的. 有一個醫生正為此百思不解, 於是從中明察暗訪, 後來他才知道, 原來醫院裏的每一個護士都跟老王有一腿. 但是那個醫生反而更覺得納悶, 心想為什麼一個七十幾歲的老人能讓醫院裏上上下下的護士哭CodeIgniter: 非官方繁體中文 ... 歡迎來到 CodeIgniter 繁體中文! CodeIgniter 是一套小巧但功能强大的 PHP 框架,做為一個簡單而“優雅”的工具包,它是一套專為 PHP 開發者建立功能完善的 Web 應用程序。...


Symfony - Official Site偷情.....跌倒有一個海邊的村落,村裡大部份男人時常出海很久不在家。村裏的女人幾乎每個人都有偷情,但在偷情後又會去找神父告解。過了一陣子後,神父建議那些女人:「以後我們把偷情這兩個字叫做跌倒,只要說『跌倒』我就知道了!」後來,老神父退休了,他走之前特別交代村長要把『跌倒』這兩個字的意思轉告新神父,Symfony is a set of reusable PHP components... The standard foundation on which the best PHP applications ... ... and a PHP framework for web projects Speed up the creation and maintenance of your PHP web applications....


Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Use a PHP Framework | PHP and Stuff人嚇人,嚇死人女子下了夜班準備回家去,後面一男子尾隨圖謀不軌。女子甚怕,路過墳地,靈機一動,對墳墓說:「爸爸,我回來了,開門啊。」男子大懼,哇哇大叫奔逃。女子心安,正要離開,忽然從墳墓中傳來陰森森的聲音:「閨女,你又忘了帶鑰匙啊。」女子驚駭,也哇哇奔逃。這時從墳墓裡鑽出個盜墓的說:「靠,耽誤我工作,I started with CakePHP, did one simple project, but then i ran into problems understanding the framework itself, so i switched to CodeIgniter and learned lots of PHP along the way. I really like the structure of CI and how it handles the MVC pattern. Late...


PHP framework – The Best PHP Framework for 2015 | Web Revisions有一對男女正在吃晚餐…那個女生一直問那個男生:你愛不愛我?男生看了女生一眼又繼續吃晚餐女生很生氣又再問了一次:你愛不愛我?男生終於說:愛女生又問:那你要怎麼證明?忽然男生從口袋裡拿了三十元出來,且問女生:你有沒有十元?女生拿了十元給了男生…男生就把四十元放在桌上過了一會兒Here in this article we will discuss few top PHP framework based on its popularity and Google Trends from 2015. Laravel vs CodeIgniter vs Yii vs Cakephp vs Zend Comparison Chart Laravel If you gone through Goolge search trend chart, Laravel is the most po...


Choosing the Best PHP MVC Framework – MVC – Part 1 | SHELDMANDU中年男子去拉皮,拉完之後他覺的很不錯,於是就很高興的走出整型醫院.在回家路上,他首先看到了一位小孩,他就問說"ㄟ!!小弟弟,你覺的我看幾來像幾歲??"小弟弟說"嗯!大概有三十吧!!" 那男子非常高興.後來他又走到了公車亭,看到了一位賣報紙的老頭..他說,"老先生",你覺的我看幾來像幾歲..??老先生Choosing the Best PHP MVC Framework - What is the best PHP MVC Framework? How do you choose the best PHP MVC Framework? Is there a BEST MVC Framework? ... Although raised a couple of very solid points, I think the approach of choosing a PHP ......
