php enum

ENUM - 經歷了停播危機的《爸哪5》還是開播啦,好久不見的嗯哼大王從一個不會說話的小寶寶,長成了一個小話癆,卡娃的心又被萌化了!   沒想到小時候有點小脾氣的嗯哼,現在可紳士了,家庭教育做得不是一般好!給嗯哼爸杜江一個大大的好評!   本以為在眾多大咖鮮肉「爸爸」面前,杜江可能沒什麼存在ENUM - The bridge between the switched telephony network and the InternetPage ContentsNews IETF Documents Selected List of Published RFCsInternet Drafts in the PipelineENUM ExpertsVarious Information on ENUM Current ENUM deployment status in var...


PHP: Classes and Objects - Manual - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor 「狼姐」夏奇拉的最新MV《Perro Fiel》出爐了,一天之內播放量就破了500萬,拉丁天后真不是蓋的~   夏奇拉在MV中風情萬種, 撩人式挑眉不是誰都能學會 ↓↓       充滿親和力的笑容還透着點小性感 ↓↓There are a couple of tricks you can do with PHP's classes that programmers from C++, etc., will find very peculiar, but which can be useful. You can create instances of classes without knowing the class name in advance, when it's in a variable:...


Enum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 說起情侶裝或清新文藝, 很多人認為這是年輕人的「專利」。 但是日本這對年過60的老夫婦 卻不同意!       這對時尚老夫婦來自日本秋田, 妻子Tomi今年60歲,開朗優雅的她, 大半輩子都在和柴米油鹽打交道, 卻仍然對生活滿懷熱情, 如同少女一般, 喜歡和老伴兒穿ENUM or enum may refer to: E.164 Number Mapping, a suite of protocols to unify the telephone system with the Internet An enumerated type, a data type consisting of a set of named values This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the title Enu...


PHP and Enumerations - Stack Overflow 學會做一個彩虹般絢爛的人   很多女生都渴望 擁有一個A4腰 ▼     但對於美術生來說 A4腰可不算什麼 打結腰見過嗎 ▼       還有 彈簧腰 ▼     麻花腰 ▼     不用健身,不I know that PHP doesn't have native Enumerations. But I have become accustomed to them from the Java world. I would love to use enums as a way to give predefined values which IDEs' auto completion ... Well, for a simple java like enum in php, I use: class...


AusRegistry - Official Site 今天故事的女主角叫ririka,94年出生的妹子,2015年以模特身份在日本出道。ririka有一個男朋友,也就是今天的男主角isola,是一位職業攝影師。         2016年,一部影視短片『花に嵐』在日本播出了,而導演正是isola,主演是ririOperates the new registry database and name server system for the .au namespace....


An Aviation Heritage story 昨天 切肉減肥減到絕望的文章發出來,有小菠菜就留言說了,咦~辣眼睛。 今天波叔決定讓大家洗洗眼,給大家介紹三朵美美噠姐妹花—— 都說這是個看臉的時代,看這三張臉,能看出區別來嗎? 看不出來不奇怪,她們齊刷刷來到世界上時,連她們的父母也搞不清楚誰是誰。 這三姐妹,其實是 同卵Bristol Brabazon - Type 167 In the dark days of World War 2, a British Cabinet committee met under the chairmanship of Lord Brabazon of Tara. They were to explore and advise upon what Britain's post-war airliner needs would be, a task which at first sight...
