日本第一凍齡AV天后「吉澤明步」 安撫所有男性身心靈色 藝雙全絕美女神!!│尤物雜誌
PHP: fgets - Manual - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor@words by SallyQ 尤物雜誌www.facebook.com/usexy 上個月藉著日本首次的AV成人博覽會,SallyQ很榮幸有這個機會可以近距離採訪這位橫跨AV、影視、文壇的天后。提起這個名字,就算沒有看日本AV習慣,在日本、台灣、中國等地,大家都會有的反應就是:「喔~我知道她!很One thing I discovered with fgets, at least with PHP 5.1.6, is that you may have to use an IF statement to avoid your code running rampant (and possibly hanging the server). This can cause problems if you do not have root access on the server on which you...