PHP: Floating point numbers - Manual - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor男朋友問女朋友:你喜歡什麼花?女朋友羞答答道: 我喜歡兩種花. 男朋友急切地問: 哪兩種? 我送給你!女朋友低頭小聲說: 有錢花和隨便花!男朋友傻傻地說: 你真美! 女朋友嫵媚地問: 我哪美?男朋友深情地說: 想得美!!!In some cases you may want to get the maximum value for a float without getting "INF". var_dump(1.8e308); will usually show: float(INF) I wrote a tiny function that will iterate in order to find the biggest non-infinite float value. It comes with a config...