胡兵:「我46歲,我努力不成為油膩中年男人!」 他用這些方法,避免身材走樣...
PHP: if - Manual - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor 職場商戰電視劇《獵場》於緯來綜合台播出後,口碑、話題不斷,胡歌當起現代版甄環,教戰職場厚黑學!重量級男星胡兵即將帥氣登場,讓粉絲相當期待,高喊:「超期待二胡的精采火花!」 《獵場》劇情走向白熱化階段,不斷有「帥大叔」登場助陣,繼孫紅雷、祖峰、張嘉譯之後,胡兵化身金融才子重磅上線,他的反差魅力跟堅強if (PHP 4, PHP 5) The if construct is one of the most important features of many languages, PHP included. It allows for conditional execution of code fragments. ... Often you'd want to have more than one statement to be executed conditionally. Of course, ...