【 HUF X Empty Canvas 】Pop-up Store 期間限定店 今日開幕!
PHP: mysql_fetch_row - Manual - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor Empty Canvas作為全方位品牌嚴選單位,即將於本週末為大家帶來 HUF X Empty Canvas 期間限定店,屆時店內將販售台灣首度HUF X Empty Canvas 聯名商品,以及HUF FALL 14 APPAREL 亞洲區首賣,這當然也少不了 HUF TEAM職業選手Dylanto print an array, simply use print_r(array name) like this: $myrow = mysql_fetch_row($result); echo ""; print_r($myrow); echo ""; this will output the array in a readable form, with the index, too. Don't forget the 'pre' tags or the output will be on a s...