php mysql update

PHP: MySQL Functions - Manual - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor提要:瑞士小姐亞軍會五國語言將赴摩根大通實習美貌與智慧並存的形容放在22歲的瑞士嫩模森雅特霍米契身上再合適不過!這個能說意大利語、俄語、英語等五國語言的瑞士小姐亞軍獲摩根大通聘請,將於今夏以實習生的身份在這家美國知名跨國金融服務機構工作。曾獲最 瑞士小姐亞軍會五國語言將赴摩根大通實習 美貌與智慧並存i'm fairly new to this but have just managed to set up (on windows xp) apache 2.0.54 with php 5.0.4 and mySQL 4.1.13, also phpMyAdmin 2.6.4 having had exactly the problems reported by so many others. i wasnt actually aware of mySQL not being loaded in php...
