Is 17 the “most random” number? – Cognitive Daily老外們猛然發現,中國文化其實就是「吃」的文化!謀生叫糊口, 工作叫飯碗; 受雇叫混飯吃; 靠積蓄過日子叫吃老本; 混得好的叫吃得開; 占女人便宜叫吃豆腐; 女人漂亮叫秀色可餐; 受人重用叫吃香;不顧他人叫吃獨食; 沒人理People do not understand the word “random”. I suspect that, similarly to Austin’s comment, we want to pick an unusual number, perhaps to offset the expected “typical” numbers that others will pick. Notice also that 4, 10, 15, 16, and 20 are under represen...