PHP: rmdir - Manual - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor這是一個真實的故事,發生在俄羅斯北部的一個小鎮,時間是2007年8月5日。 傍晚時分,沙波瓦洛夫與妻子到夏令營探望女兒後準備回家,然而長途汽車要一個小時以後才能到站,於是他們來到河邊散步。微風輕吹,波光蕩漾,妻子依偎在丈夫胸前,兩人似乎回到了情侶時代,時間就在這滿滿的幸福中悄悄流逝。 突然,一片烏雲This issue has been driving me nuts for hours. I am running PHP on IIS, I had the wincache module installed, when running a recursive delete a certain folder would get "stuck" and throw permissions errors. I was not able to delete them with PHP or in wind...