新 BENZ SL 車型將與AMG GT跑車共用結構
PHP: split - Manual - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor 據國外媒體指出,為加強下一代SL旗艦硬頂敞篷車的性能,Benz已將此車型的開發交給旗下AMG部門負責,因此,新SL車型與AMG GT將可能共用許多結構與設計。而,德國Benz旗下的AMG性能部門已開始研發新世代旗艦硬頂敞篷車,而AMG研發團隊在開發GT Roadster敞篷跑車的同一moritz's quotesplit didn't work for me. It seemed to split on a comma even though it was between a pair of quotes. However, this did work: function quotesplit($s, $splitter=',') {//First step is to split it up into the bits that are surrounded by quotes a...