G-SHOCK 的奇幻世界,G-SHOCK 聯名王建揚攝影展"奇幻"展開!
PHP: str_replace - Manual - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor 由 G-SHOCK 與台灣新銳攝影師王建揚合作的攝影展 “奇幻 G 世代” 正式對外展出!此次展覽以王建揚在國際上頗受肯定的《宅》攝影系列為主題,借用大量公仔、玩偶、漫畫元素,拍攝一系列結合運動時尚與攝影藝術的創意形象照!並且也呼應 G-SHOCK 全新 Crazy Color 系列錶款的豐富色彩Note that this does not replace strings that become part of replacement strings. This may be a problem when you want to remove multiple instances of the same repetative pattern, several times in a row. If you want to remove all dashes but one from the str...