php string split to array

PHP: split - Manual - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor下文摘自[18禁] 性愛的發聲練習:正確叫床呻吟 讓男人酥軟(未滿18不要點~羞) 性愛中女人會發出不同程度,形式多樣的呻吟聲或叫喊聲,有的人像逼緊喉嚨一樣的呻吟,而有的人則是一種不間斷的呻吟,也有的人像雞鳴,還有人像忍受痛苦,更有的人用一些 “哎哎、呀呀、咿咿” 等女優式的The example from ramkumar rajendran did not work. $line = split("/\n", $input_several_lines_long); I do not know why this does not work for me. The following has worked for me to get a maximum of 2 array parts separated by the first new line (independ...


How can I split a comma delimited string into an array in PHP? - Stack Overflow   看看以下這女孩這麼兇,有多霸道啊~ 不過戀愛就是這樣:你只能是我的唯一,不是嗎?   要牽著我的手走遍城市的大街小巷啊混蛋… 要常常給我準備小驚喜啊混蛋 要帶我回你的母校走走落滿秋葉的小道啊混蛋 要在街上和我旁若無人的接吻不許害羞啊混蛋 要帶我去海邊露營看日出I need to split my string input into an array at the commas. How can I go about accomplishing this? Input: 9,,8 ... No question is too basic, but you might consider to have a look at the string handler functions. Not because it is bad que...


PHP: Split a string in to an array foreach char - Stack Overflow ❤男人這輩子挺難的: 找個漂亮女人吧,太操心, 找個不漂亮的吧,又不甘心;   ❤男人這輩子挺難的: 光顧事業了,人家說你沒責​​任感, 光顧家了,人家又說你沒本事;   ❤男人這輩子挺難的: 專一點吧,人家說你不成熟; 花心點吧,人家說你是禽獸;   ❤男人這輩子挺You can access characters in strings in the same way as you would access an array index, e.g. $length = strlen($string); $thisWordCodeVerdeeld = array(); for ($i=0; $i...


PHP str_split() Function - W3Schools Online Web Tutorials   著名漫畫【火影忍者】儘管現在已經完結了,但這部漫畫的魅力還是不減當年,直到現在還是有非常高的討論熱度。 著名畫家Sakimi chan就用了超美形風格重新詮釋了火影忍者的角色,看起來可說是有完全不一樣的感覺! 個人最喜歡佐助的樣子! 大家喜歡哪個呢?   -- via&nbReturn Value: If length is less than 1, the str_split() function will return FALSE. If length is larger than the length of string, the entire string will be returned as the only element of the array. PHP Version: 5+...
