要當一個不刮體毛的模特... 最近,她收到了來自網友們的深深惡意...
PHP: Strings - Manual - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor下面照片里這個白人女孩, 叫Arvida Bystrom,來自瑞士。 Arvida 今年26歲,其職業,是一名模特兼攝影師。 姣好的面容,又有着獨特的氣質, 所以,哪怕在如今這個美女如雲的互聯網時代,依舊有着她的一席之地。 喜歡她的人Strings A string is series of characters, where a character is the same as a byte. This means that PHP only supports a 256-character set, and hence does not offer native Unicode support. See details of the string type. Note: string can be as large as up t...