php string utf8

PHP: utf8_encode - Manual - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor  今天給大家帶來的 深夜漫畫 是出自於《百鬼夜行志》之夜怪談之卷,血腥指數:4星   所以不要得罪女朋友 ▼           小心浴室的牆壁 ▼         第三顆眼 ▼ &nbsFor reference, it may be insightful to point out that: utf8_encode($s) is actually identical to: recode_string('latin1..utf8', $s) and: iconv('iso-8859-1', 'utf-8', $s) That is, utf8_encode is a specialized case of character set conversions. If your strin...


PHP: utf8_decode - Manual - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor 今天這故事的主人公,名叫Scott Young。       本來,他只是一個跟我們一樣的普通人,但現在人家已經是赫赫有名的知識界網紅了…   我們就來說說這小哥究竟是怎麼搞事情的...... 從高中開始,他就對人的學習能力很感興趣。讀大學的時Please note that utf8_decode simply converts a string encoded in UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1. A more appropriate name for it would be utf8_to_iso88591. If your text is already encoded in ISO-8859-1, you do not need this function. If you don't want to use ISO-8859...


Handling UTF-8 with PHP [Web Application Component Toolkit] 這兩天紐西蘭流行著一個視頻,剛剛被放到網上兩天,點擊量就過了千萬。視頻的主角就是紐西蘭橄欖球隊ALL BLACKS 的成員們,他們去了日本,原本大家以為他們是旅行的,但沒想到他們在大街上橫衝直撞,並且將很多路人撲倒在地…   紐西蘭橄欖球國家隊全黑隊 Astr_ireplace() relies of the server’s locale setting to convert all characters to lower case. If the locale setting is something other than ASCII or UTF-8, it may mistakenly match UTF-8 sub-sequences with characters in the locale, and while replacing corr...


utf 8 - PHP: Convert any string to UTF-8 without knowing the original character set, or at least try 澳大利亞,美國,英國,意大利,日本等國的網友在網上紛紛曬出自己國家的警車,可謂是不比不知道,一比嚇一跳。寶馬,法拉利,蓮花,阿斯頓馬丁等等等,一輛比一輛讓人驚嘆。可誰都沒想到,最後真正讓大家徹底驚呆的卻是紐西蘭...       每年的3月15日,是國際反對警察暴行日There is no way to identify the charset of a string that is completely accurate. There are ways to try to guess the charset. One of these ways, and probably/currently the best in PHP, is mb_detect_encoding(). This will scan your string and look for occurr...


PHP UTF-8 download | - SourceForge - Download, Develop and Publish Free Open Source 今天紐西蘭的網站被大量裸照刷屏了,不明真相的群眾還以為自己的電腦中了病毒,定睛一看這些裸照居然出自紐西蘭著名的梅西大學,厲害了word 哥!紐西蘭的大學生也太開放了吧!       這一系列的照片中的主角都是梅西大學的學生和動物們,而照片中他們共同的特徵就是:一絲不掛PHP UTF-8 download. PHP UTF-8 2013-04-17 21:30:30 free download. PHP UTF-8 PHP UTF-8 is a UTF-8 aware library of functions mirroring PHP's own string functions. Does not require PHP mbstring extension though will use it, if found,...


Remove non-UTF8 characters from string with PHP | 話說,在西雅圖有一隻非常著名的汪,就是照片里這隻叫Eclipse的黑色拉布拉多...     這隻汪在網上知名度非常高,它有自己的主頁...     被媒體各種報道..       甚至還有一本書,專門講述它的故事... &nbIf you have come across the cursed 'Invalid Character' error while using PHP's XML or JSON parser then you may be interested in this. Unfortunately, PHP's XML and JSON parsers do not ignore non-UTF8 characters, but rather they stop and throw a rather unhe...
