php substr

PHP: substr_replace - Manual - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor這是自然界的法則... I suggest changing the function suggested by Guru Evi slightly. I found that it doesn't work as written here. Original: function add_3dots($string,$repl,$start,$limit) { if(strlen($string) > $limit) { return substr_replace(strip_tags($string),$repl,$start...


PHP Substring Function (PHP substr) | PHP Tutorials這個驚喜就是................ The PHP substring function, substr, allows a programmer to retrieve a specified portion of a string known as a substring. String manipulation is a very important and sometimes tricky task so care must be taken to ensure that the functions are properly use...


PHP substr() 函數使用方法介紹 - 網頁設計教學站淡淡的哀傷~ PHP substr() Function 會回傳字串的某一部分 基本語法:string substr (string string, int start [, int length]) string 是要找的字串;start 是字串開始的地方,需為整數;length 是要找的字串長度,需為整數。start - 如果為正,則從指定開始的位置起算;如果為負,則從 ......
