PHP: time - Manual - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor -------------------------------靠北老婆原文:第1次來「靠北老婆」靠北也可能是最後1次 感覺很諷刺因為 為了老婆的一位「男性同事」一年來大吵小吵N次連攤牌要離婚後 老婆的回答居然是「我會跟他說清楚 我們只是一般朋友我還想跟他做朋友 你別生氣好不好?」接下來的故事有點長I think the documentation regarding PHP time-related functions and time zones is a bit confusing. Let's suppose we live in Berlin, which has time zone "Europe/Berlin" and it's UTC+1 in winter and UTC+2 in summer. This means that for 10:00 UTC+0, the local...