PHP: usleep - Manual - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor 世界最好國家:紐西蘭 今日,全球權威機構英國智庫萊加頓研究所發布了 2016 年全球繁榮指數報告,該報告對全球 149 個國家進行了全方面考察,通過對眾多因素進行評分,得出排名。 最終,獲得全球最好國家榮譽稱號的是 紐西蘭。 今日,全球權威機I have spent DAYS trying to create a reliable usleep()-replacement for Windows. I have only this to offer: As commented by someone else already, the gettimeofday() method used below is useless - PHP will use all available CPU power doing nothing. The ......