楊子慧Victor 2013大馬小姐│尤物雜誌
PHP: while - Manual - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor楊子慧Victor 2013大馬小姐~請鎖定尤物USEXY 我們是台灣的"尤物USEXY"雜誌,立志要做全世界男人的好朋友, 只要是男人喜歡的玩藝兒, 我們都會用最徹底的方式呈現給你~~~~ 【更多精彩影音請上《UsexyTV》;《尤物雜誌》官方粉絲團】The meaning of a while statement is simple. It tells PHP to execute the nested statement(s) repeatedly, as long as the while expression evaluates to TRUE. The value of the expression is checked each time at the beginning of the loop, so even if this value...