phy mac layer

PHY - 維基百科,自由的百科全書路邊摘就有了,天然ㄟ尚好!!! PHY 是一個操作OSI模型 實體層的設備。 一個 乙太網路 PHY是一個晶片,可以發送和接收乙太網路的數據幀或訊框幀(frame), 它通常缺乏NIC (網路介面控制器)晶片所提供的Wake-on-LAN或支援 Boot ROM的先進功能。...


PHY (chip) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia          看了我都要哭了,妳是一輩子都想當桌子嗎~~~     從生日看你會閃電結婚嗎PHY is an abbreviation for the physical layer of the OSI model and refers to the circuitry required to implement physical layer functions. A PHY connects a link layer device (often called MAC as an abbreviation for media access control) to a physical medi...


Tutorial on 802.11n PHY layer | EE Times - EE Times | Electronic Engineering Times | Connecting the       懷念這個角色,搞不好你就是本尊!!!!With 802.11n, wireless achieved data rates equal to wireline. This article discusses how that happened and the major aspects of the 802.11n PHY layer. ... (Editor's note: This popular feature article, which was first published May 2007, is being republish...


NAS/MAC/PHY各司其職 LTE通訊協定預埋4G伏筆 - 技術前瞻 - 新通訊元件雜誌雖然是老梗了~但是依然好多人叫這些名子喔!!!!   1. 怡君     2. 欣怡 3. 雅雯   4. 心怡  5. 志豪 6. 雅婷 7. 雅惠 8. 家豪   9. 雅玲  10.靜怡    11.志偉各層間針對端對端(Peer-to-peer)溝通的服務存取點(SAP)在圖上用圓圈來表示。PHY與MAC間的SAP為傳輸通道(Transport Channel);MAC與RLC間的SAP為邏輯通道(Logical Channel);PDCP往上層的SAP為無線承載(Radio Bearer)。各層協定技術所負責的功能說明 ......


802.11 PHY Layers 8            不錯阿,能投就好!!     從生日看你會閃電結婚嗎218 802.11 PHY Layers The following sections describe how each of the PLCP functions is used for transferring data between the MAC and Physical layers. Carrier Sense Function The Physical layer implements the carrier sense operation by directing the PMD t...


IEEE SA - 802.11-2012 - IEEE Standard for Information technology--Telecommunications and information   太壯觀拉~~嚇死人了!!     從生日看你會閃電結婚嗎This revision specifies technical corrections and clarifications to IEEE Std 802.11 for wireless local area networks (WLANS) as well as enhancements to the existing medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) functions. It also incorporates ......
