Arasan Chip Systems first to market with MIPI® D-PHY Rev 1.1 compliant PHY IP | Arasan Chip Systems 下面這個妹子是Annabelle Hutt,來自伯明翰。 妹子顏值好,身材棒,照理說應該很受異性歡迎… 然而,有段時間,妹子卻很擔心自己會孤獨終老,再也找不到男票。 因為,她太能睡了... 說起妹子的故事,要回到2009年… 當時,妹子去打了一個豬流感疫苗Arasan Chip Systems first to market with MIPI® D-PHY Rev 1.1 compliant PHY IP Thursday, March 8th, 2012 6:18 pm Arasan’s MIPI D-PHY 1.1 implementation, with full 1.5Gbps data rates on each lane, allows tablet designers to go to 2560×2048 resolution at ......