聞得到的記憶 Maison Martin Margiela香水 X 影像
The Piano Guys - The Piano Guys - Amazon.com Music 在2003年義大利佛羅倫斯的清晨賴床,醒來逛完2011年法國巴黎西岱島花市,最後坐在2013年紐約布魯克林的爵士酒館裡微醺,Maison Martin Margiela以記憶畫面出發的香水系列「Replica」,真的「看得見」味道。近期,品牌更與Obsura雜誌結合,推出「Smells Like The Piano Guys have become a YouTube sensation with their clever and inspiring takes on popular music and creative videos that accompany them. From Beethoven to Adele, their eclectic mix of classical, film score, rock, and pop favorites resonate with audi...