她曝光了99 女生都會做的羞羞事,畫面不可描述,卻戳中妹紙們的心!
How to Arrange the Timing of a Picture's Appearance in Powerpoint | eHow 她叫Sally Nixon, 來自美國小岩城,是一名插畫師。 她用一支畫筆,把女生最真實卻又最不可思議的日常生活畫了出來。 她筆下的女孩, 沒有完美的身材,只有最隨性的自我。 為了多睡幾分鐘, 邊刷牙,邊洗澡 多線操作,Microsoft PowerPoint allows users to create professional slide show presentations using the program's many features, such as timed slides, custom animations and themes. One powerful tool is the ability to animate text and objects, such as photos. Animatio...