How to Arrange the Timing of a Picture's Appearance in Powerpoint | eHow ▲你看得出來嗎?(source:loopfyblog,下同) 大家好,我是小白兔~ 很多恩愛的情侶,常常會在通訊軟體中互傳彼此的性感或勾引照,不但能夠增加二人之間的互動,也能為彼此的感情增添一種風味。照理來說這是一件好事,但是有時候這樣的照片卻可能成為出軌的證據! 根據loopfybMicrosoft PowerPoint allows users to create professional slide show presentations using the program's many features, such as timed slides, custom animations and themes. One powerful tool is the ability to animate text and objects, such as photos. Animatio...