像奶酪一樣融化和凝固,Satsuki Ohata 的便鞋設計
Piccolo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia如今有越來越多的品牌開始追求一種類似赤腳的穿著體驗,而日本設計師Satsuki Ohata在近日打造的便鞋也有著異曲同工之妙。使用者只需把腳放入溶有 PVC原料的液體中,然後熱風烘乾,即可製成一雙鞋子,並且像皮膚一樣完全適應你的腳型。因為整個過程猶如融化又凝固的奶酪,所以Satsuki Ohata將The piccolo[1] (Italian for small, but named ottavino in Italy)[2] is a half-size flute, and a member of the woodwind family of musical instruments. The piccolo has most of the same fingerings as its larger sibling, the standard transverse flute,[3] but t...