246萬晉升四驅跑車 Audi第3代TT
pick - definition of pick by The Free Dictionary 自1998年Audi初代TT發表以來,這款造型流線冷冽的2+2座小跑車,儼然成為Audi旗下操控與科技的全新代言人。而隨著2014日內瓦發表全新第3代TT亮相,國內就不斷傳出上市相關風聲,《一手車訊》編輯部獨家掌握到全新Audi TT上市資訊,包含價格、車型、動力底盤,提供車迷朋友第一手的市場快報pick 1 (pĭk) v. picked, pick·ing, picks v.tr. 1. To select from a group: The best swimmer was picked. 2. a. To gather in; harvest: They were picking cotton. b. To gather the harvest from: picked the field in one day. 3. a. To remove the outer covering of;...