pick up the phone意思

pick - definition of pick by The Free Dictionary    某天下大雨,精神病患們都跑出去淋雨,說是在洗澡…只有一位病人還待在室內。醫生:「你比他們正常多了喔!」那病人回答:「我哪像他們那麼笨?我要等熱水出來再去洗。」   pick 1 (pĭk) v. picked, pick·ing, picks v.tr. 1. To select from a group: The best swimmer was picked. 2. a. To gather in; harvest: They were picking cotton. b. To gather the harvest from: picked the field in one day. 3. a. To remove the outer covering of;...


Mail2web - Official Site  一對夫妻到美術館。近視很深的太太走到一幅畫前,對先生說:「這是我看過最醜的一幅畫!」先生:「那不是畫,那是鏡子。」This simple and easy to use site provides web based access to a POP3 account. Does not require sign-up and offers a secure connection....


Amazon.com: Olympus TP-7 Telephone pick up: Office Products希拉蕊目前正為民主黨總統候選人初選而陷入苦戰,聽說,有部份的原因是因為她的 >>> >>> 姓氏'克林頓'所造成的,以下的笑話可能有點殺傷力...>>>>>>>>> 床底下的秘密>>>>>>>>>>>> 比爾 (克林頓) 和希拉蕊當年結婚的時候,新婚之夜,比爾放了一個大紙盒在他們OLYMPUS 145051 TP-7 Telephone Recording Device Amazon.com Do you ever need to record an important telephone conversation? The TP-7 telephone pickup, makes phone recording easy and even picks up both sides of the conversation. Just plug the TP-7 jack into ...


The Best Deals We Can Find | The Wirecutter今天去Google面試,說了五個字就被攆出來了考官:妳是怎?知道我們招聘信息的?我:百度上搜的。考官:出去!今天去女廁所小便,我說了6個字就被攆出來了美眉:妳進來幹嘛?我:男廁所怎?走?美眉:出去!今天去肯得基,我說了5個字就被攆出來了MM:點什??我:兩盒麥樂雞MM: 出去!今天去肯德基面試,問我The best price we’ve seen on the Voyager Edge Bluetooth Headset, this has sat around the $100 range before but usually sits just under MSRP. The Voyager Edge is our pick for best Bluetooth headset. Nick Guy said this, “The Voyager Edge hits all the right ...


How to Pick a Cellphone Plan for Traveling Abroad - The New York Times某位英勇的戰士在上戰場前用貞操帶將他的女友鎖住, 並將鑰匙給了他的好友且吩咐說:”我如果三年內還 未歸來,你便可將它開了.”於是他安心的驅馬上前線. 行至半路忽聽得身後馬匹追趕聲,原來是他的那位好友. 好友說:〞你給錯鑰匙了!〞&nbsFirst, let’s go over some basic rules for saving. If you don’t have a foreign plan, keep international data roaming off (and check to see how much it will cost you per minute if you pick up when, say, your mother calls). To limit data use, don’t let your ...
