Handyman picks up tab – for an entire Ashland diner | Boston Herald 文章( 微博 ) 承認出軌 馬伊琍 ( 微博 ) 同時間回應 騰訊娛樂訊(文/小西)文章姚笛《裸婚》生情,繼騰訊娛樂上週六(29日)獨家曝光二人深圳約會同遊香港後,二人親密摟抱照隨後也浮出水面。31日A generous handyman stopped in to an Ashland diner for a cup of coffee and, caught up in the holiday spirit, picked up the tab for the entire restaurant. “It’s a very stressful time of year, and I think it’s supposed to be a happy time,” said Michael Camp...