JUKSY x NIGO 跨海深度對談
Pigs and hog animated gif images - Moving internet clip art animations and Animated gifs UNIQLO旗下品線「UT」系列,就在第11周年紀念之際,邀請到日本流行文化前輩NIGO先生出任創意總監一職!並從今年春夏季開始,會提供「UT」系列的設計想法,包括男、女、童服飾所有系列,這次 JUKSY 也特別與 NIGO跨海連線,請NIGO 說明了本季UT的概念... 觀賞全文 【本文出處,更Pigs, hogs and Porky clip art animations ... Animated clip art of a pig with bandages all around it's head Little pink pig acting like a horse rearing up on it's hind legs...